Thursday, June 7, 2012

Kung Fu Lama!

In Kalimpong, once lived a drama,
A superbly cute dimpled face lama.

To everybody he was a saint
Who could also sometimes paint.

But little did anyone knew him more
Secretly and cattily kung fu is what he adored.

Mischievously and shyly once he posed,
While his masters snoring dozed.
And then came a day when his skills were finally exposed.

Out in the open when he fought like a barracuda,
Gleaming in orange and preening in yehuda.

Realizing his calling was something else
His master had witnessed the talents under his belts.

So just like that, they bid him goodbye,
The Kungfu lama had tears in his eyes.

But what Mandarin had found in him,
Was a little Kalimpong, buzzing with energy, up to the brim.